One of the common fears shared by people who are thinking about starting a business or trying

entrepreneurship is financial risk [mortgage, family, bills, etc.].
I get it, I had the same fear when I was considering jumping into full time entrepreneurship with a new baby & a mortgage 8 years ago.
The thing is, life goes fast, kids grow & time FLIES.
You going to do this or not?
For those that say... maybe... Read on!
Myth - "I can't afford to work for myself"
There are SO many mental obstacles that keep folks on the sidelines, but the simple fact is...
Entrepreneurship is learning how to make money with your bare hands, nothing more.
Through our accelerator launching in the next few weeks, one of the first things we focus on helping you understand is that the path to living life on your terms is simple & straight... NOT dangerous & full surprise turns like many think.
The Truth
After going on my own (full time) 8 years ago, one simple truth I've learned along the journey is...
You can't afford NOT to.
Prolonging this dream is costing you more than it’s saving. Trust me.
From the tax advantages (read this book for more on that), to the time back to learn/create additional streams of income, as well as the TOP reason - getting to spend more time with the ones you love, why wait?
Your kids are getting older, you aren't getting any younger & inflation is only going up.
The good news? You can get started right NOW without quitting your day job.
In fact, this is exactly how I became a full time entrepreneur 8 years ago. I was a fully engaged W2 employee while running a profitable side hustle as a consultant - which eventually became my full time job!
As a conservative, calculated risk taker... I hate risking financial security as much as the next person, so to me this is how it's done & it's the reason we teach it.
Let me better explain in this short video. [Link to watch here]

Mickeli Bedore
When you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
Join the True North Collective: Join our exclusive membership program of like-minded people on their focused journey to maximize freedom and fulfillment. We provide the strategies, action, and accountability you need to find and live your true north lifestyle.
Attend an upcoming revival event: Join an in-person gathering of freedom-seekers and fulfillment enthusiasts for exhilarating live experiences that blend fun, connection, and transformative learning.
Follow me on LinkedIn. Ready to ditch the ordinary and carve your path to genuine freedom? Brace yourself for uncensored stories, unconventional wisdom, and a one-way ticket to unbridled freedom and fulfillment.